Firma Rehberi Otomotiv Sanayi Autoliv Cankor Otomotiv Emniyet Sistemleri

Autoliv Cankor Otomotiv Emniyet Sistemleri  
Introduction to Autoliv

Our company is a worldwide leader in automotive safety, a pioneer in both seatbelts and airbags, and a technology leader with the widest product offering for automotive safety.
All the leading automobile manufacturers in the world are our customers. We service them from 80 subsidiaries and joint ventures in 30 countries.

Yetkili Kişi:
Adres: Gebze Organize Sanayi Böl. 800.Sk. No:801 / Gebze - Kocaeli
Telefon(lar): 0262 648 46 00 - 0262 648 46 30
Fax - Cep: 0262 648 46 01 -
Web Site:
Toplam Ziyaret: 1638
Yorum Sayısı: 0

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