Firma Rehberi Mobilya MOB Mobilya Dekorasyon

MOB Mobilya Dekorasyon  

   Since 1978 MOB has grown from a small workshop run by a couple of determined architects and a handful of skilled craftsmen, into two large factories with the capability to serve the four corners of the world.  Today, MOB has gained a reputation as being one of the leading custom interior contractors in the world.Backed by a wealth of experience and equipped with advanced technology, we look forward to meeting new challenges and collaborating with both clients and designers to creatively and cost effectively fulfill their needs.

Yetkili Kişi:
Adres: Gebze Organize Sanayi Bölgesi Tembelova Alanı Gençlik cad. No: 3005 / Gebze - Kocaeli
Telefon(lar): 0262 643 36 56 - 0262 643 40 80
Fax - Cep: 0262 643 38 85 -
Web Site:
Toplam Ziyaret: 1953
Yorum Sayısı: 0

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