Firma Rehberi Otomotiv Sanayi Çobanoğlu Otomotiv

Çobanoğlu Otomotiv  

COBANOGLU Automotive Trade Co. Ltd, who is engagded in production of spare parts for concrete Pumps and Heavy Duty Machines, has been serving, for more than many years, to the Internal Markets and in particular, Foreing Markets. It has already proven its quality through great Experience acquired by means of manufacturing activities performed for long years, with its dynamic, well-trained personnel.
COBANOGLU Automotive offers the accustomed consumers the spare parts for the concrete pumps and working machines of the leading manufactures of the world, under most suitable terms and conditions.

Yetkili Kişi:
Adres: Busan Ozel Organize San. Celik Cad. No. 51 / Merkez - Konya
Telefon(lar): 0332 345 0616 - 0332 345 0242
Fax - Cep: 0332 345 0088 -
Web Site:
E-Mail: cbo[at]
Toplam Ziyaret: 2190
Yorum Sayısı: 0

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