Firma Rehberi Üretim-Makine-Metal Aksistem Elektromekanik Sanayi

Aksistem Elektromekanik Sanayi  
AKS is established in 1985 for the production aim of hydraulic absorbers for JAWA-Puchs motor cycles. In 1989 washing machine dampers added production range. AKS is located in Gebze Organize Sanayi Bölgesi, Kocaeli, Turkey. Factory located on 10.000 m2 area. Production field is 8800 m2 . Managerial and Engineering field has 1100 m2. 140 person in charge. 8 Engineers, (1 black belt, 1 green belt), 5 foreman, 120 workers, 5 environment and social responsible.
Capacity of washing machine damper is 40M/per year with single shift.
Yearly production was 16M in 2006; 20M in 2007; and will be over 24M pcs in 2008
In 2004 AKS introduced to market two new damper series P19-2 and P19-T, Sound level of the new dampers are less than their competitors between 2-7 dB(A)
AKS produce elektromechnanic components such as fluid level sensors.
Customer satisfaction is consent by all AKS members not only because it is written in Quality Book of AKS. Customer work assume as ?my work? is the main thought in AKS.
Please contact us for all your application requests and questions about;
-Water Level Sensor
-Washing Machine Suspension
-Friction damper
-Spring damper
-Three-Action damper specially developed for wooden floor
-Fixing elements
Be sure that AKS will always support you in high fidelity.

Yetkili Kişi:
Adres: Gebze Organize Sanayi Bölgesi İhsan Dede Cad. No:119 / Gebze - Kocaeli
Telefon(lar): 0262 751 37 00 - 37 00(pbx)
Fax - Cep: 0262 751 36 99 - 0262 751 37 16
Web Site:
E-Mail: aks[at]
Toplam Ziyaret: 1587
Yorum Sayısı: 0

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Firmaya Ait Kayıtlı Resim Bulunamadı.

Telif Hakkı Kuron Mühendislik LTD. ŞTİ.'ne Aittir. Her Hakkı Saklıdır.
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