Firma Rehberi Hizmet Saybolt Gözetim ve Laboratuvar Hizmetleri

Saybolt Gözetim ve Laboratuvar Hizmetleri  

 Core Laboratories is a leading provider of proprietary and patented reservoir description, production enhancement and reservoir management services for the global petroleum industry.

These services enable the Company's clients to optimize reservoir performance and maximize hydrocarbon recovery from their producing fields.

The Company has over 70 offices in more than 50 countries and is located in every major oil-producing province in the world. The Company provides its services to the world's major, national and independent oil companies.

Wherever you operate, whatever your challenges, Core Laboratories has the technology and the skilled personnel to help you understand and manage your reservoir assets to the greatest advantage. 

Yetkili Kişi:
Adres: Gebze Organize Sanayi Bölgesi İhsan Dede Cad. No: 105/2 / Gebze - Kocaeli
Telefon(lar): 0262 751 04 51 - 04 51 (pbx)
Fax - Cep: 0262 751 38 34 -
Web Site:
E-Mail: Saybolt.turkey[at]
Toplam Ziyaret: 1730
Yorum Sayısı: 0

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Firmaya Ait Kayıtlı Resim Bulunamadı.

Telif Hakkı Kuron Mühendislik LTD. ŞTİ.'ne Aittir. Her Hakkı Saklıdır.
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